Wait, what?

I've been getting notifications every now and then that I would get a new follower on this blog and I'd think "Oh, that's neat." I checked my follower count tonight and I'm up to over 50?! You all are cool, thanks for that! I gotta be honest with you all, I've been doing really well... Continue Reading →

I’m Back Baby!

After a short, several month break, I'm diving headfirst back into the hobby. There are two trees that I kept, but sold every other one. Those two trees are a Ficus I grew from seed, and a Ficus obliqua that I received from Jerry Meislik. Both trees were placed next to the dining room window.... Continue Reading →

Something Different…

Hey guys and gals,   You may have noticed I haven't posted in a couple of months. There's a good reason for that: I no longer have any trees. Over the past few months I've slowly been selling off my collection, partially due to a lack of interest, and partially because of a lack of... Continue Reading →

A Very Figgy Christmas 

It's happened, the Royal Ficus has figged. There had been dormant figs sitting on the tree for a couple months, but the other day it pushed new, fresh figs. It's also full of new leaves and happy growth.  Looks like the small indoor greenhouse is working well. Thanks T5 lighting!

It’s Aliiiive! 

No, this isn't Frankenstein, this is Ficus. The Royal Ficus, to be specific.  Today I checked on the greenhouse trees and saw good results. The Royal Ficus is pushing out lots of new growth, and one of the natalensis cuttings is pushing roots out of its styrofoam cup.  Here's that picture: If there is constant... Continue Reading →

The Royal Ficus is Sick…

I realize now that I never made a post about this tree, so here's a two-parter. I bought this Ficus from Scott Lee (Blue River Bonsai) on Facebook back in August. I call it the "Royalty Ficus" because it was once in Suthin's Royal Bonsai Garden. Here's the tree as it was back when I... Continue Reading →

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